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Study Leave

Allowance: Health Education England states you are allowed up to 30 days of study leave per training year, for trainees in full time training. The Thursday VTS teaching sessions count as half day study leave and are included in the 30 day leave allowance. 


Study leave can be taken on a half or full day leave. The 30 day allowance is NOT carried over to the next academic year. Whilst there is a 30 day study leave allowance, it is not an entitlement. All study leaves should be approved in advance with the rota coordinators, Educational Supervisor and Programme Directors.


At present, there is a finite study budget if applying for a pre -approved course or an aspirational course which has been approved as above. Please refer to this document for further information on GP study leave approval. You can also refer to the flow chart which summarises the application and claim process. 


Further information on General Practice Study Leave can be found on the HEE Website here.


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